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  • Crystalized Clam (OK3)

    Notes specific to this specimen: Great honey calcite crystals replacing the clam shell trapped in matrix. This piece has a sawn flat bottom so it stands up nicely on its own. Nice display specimen


    SIZE: 8″x 5″x 5″


    NAME: Mercenaria permagna
    AGE: Pleistocene 2 million years
    UNIT: Nashua Formation
    SITE: Okeechobee County, Florida


    Documentation: This authentic fossil specimen comes with a Certificate of Authenticity and Origin. In addition, an attractive and informative display card accompanies the specimen.

  • Crystalized Clam (OK2)

    Notes specific to this specimen: A complete clam with druzy honey calcite crystals exposed on the front and a recrystallized shell on back. A very unique specimen.


    SIZE: 4″x 3″x 2″


    NAME: Mercenaria permagna
    AGE: Pleistocene 2 million years
    UNIT: Nashua Formation
    SITE: Okeechobee County, Florida


    Documentation: This authentic fossil specimen comes with a Certificate of Authenticity and Origin. In addition, an attractive and informative display card accompanies the specimen.

  • Crystalized Clam (OK1)

    Notes specific to this specimen: This complete clam is packed full with honey calcite. There are some fantastic radial calcite crystals amidst a solid honey calcite matrix. The back is a partially recrystallized shell. This is a singularly unique find.


    SIZE: 5″x 3″x 2″


    NAME: Mercenaria permagna
    AGE: Pleistocene 2 million years
    UNIT: Nashua Formation
    SITE: Okeechobee County, Florida


    Documentation: This authentic fossil specimen comes with a Certificate of Authenticity and Origin. In addition, an attractive and informative display card accompanies the specimen.

  • Fossil Sand Dollar and Clam (KH6)

    Notes specific to this specimen: Exquisite large brown polished sand dollar with two great polished clams and some unpolished clams beside them. This is a matrix piece that has a flat bottom so it stands up nicely.


    SIZE: 4″x 3″x 3″


    NAME: Psuedocardium & Dendraster
    AGE: Pliocene 4 million years
    UNIT: Etchegoin Formation
    SITE: Kettleman Hills, California


    Documents: This authentic fossil specimen comes with a Certificate of Authenticity and Origin. In addition, an attractive and informative display card accompanies the specimen.

  • Fossil Sand Dollar and Clam (KH4)

    Notes specific to this specimen: Beautiful and showy matrix piece with flat bottom so it stands nicely. This specimen has one large polished sand dollar and one infant sand dollar along with a great polished clam.


    SIZE: 4″x 3″x 3″


    NAME: Psuedocardium & Dendraster
    AGE: Pliocene 4 million years
    UNIT: Etchegoin Formation
    SITE: Kettleman Hills, California


    Documents: This authentic fossil specimen comes with a Certificate of Authenticity and Origin. In addition, an attractive and informative display card accompanies the specimen.

  • Fossil Sand Dollar and Clam (KH2)

    Notes specific to this specimen: Matrix piece that has a flat bottom so it stands nicely. This specimen has one large and one infant sand dollar with a nice polished clam that has great colors.


    SIZE: 5″x 3″x 3″


    NAME: Psuedocardium & Dendraster
    AGE: Pliocene Epoch – 4 million years
    UNIT: Etchegoin Formation
    SITE: Kettleman Hills, California
    DATE: 2023


    Documents: This authentic fossil specimen comes with a Certificate of Authenticity and Origin. In addition, an attractive and informative display card accompanies the specimen.

  • Agatized Coral (AC10)

    These unique fossils are preserved corals that lived in large reef systems in Florida and Georgia about 34 million years ago. After the corals died, they were buried in deep sediments where the original corallite structures began to erode away. In some cases, this resulted in hollow cavities that were then coated in translucent agate, forming carnelian geodes. In others, the agate replaced the solids and retained images of the coral structures. We are the oldest and most experienced source for these unique fossils. Our teams have been SCUBA diving for these corals since the mid 1970s.


    NOTE: Unusual piece with preserved coral structures. Cut and polished face. An attractive and informative display card accompanies the specimen.


    SIZE: 6″x 5″x 5″



    * Shipping includes packaging, insurance, and ground transport in the continental US. Inquire about shipping outside US.

  • Agatized Coral (AC9)

    These unique fossils are preserved corals that lived in large reef systems in Florida and Georgia about 34 million years ago. After the corals died, they were buried in deep sediments where the original corallite structures began to erode away. In some cases, this resulted in hollow cavities that were then coated in translucent agate, forming carnelian geodes. In others, the agate replaced the solids and retained images of the coral structures. We are the oldest and most experienced source for these unique fossils. Our teams have been SCUBA diving for these corals since the mid 1970s.


    NOTE: Beautiful multi-chambered piece cut and polished face. An attractive and informative display card accompanies the specimen.


    SIZE: 5″x 3″x 5″



    * Shipping includes packaging, insurance, and ground transport in the continental US. Inquire about shipping outside US.

  • Agatized Coral (AC8)

    These unique fossils are preserved corals that lived in large reef systems in Florida and Georgia about 34 million years ago. After the corals died, they were buried in deep sediments where the original corallite structures began to erode away. In some cases, this resulted in hollow cavities that were then coated in translucent agate, forming carnelian geodes. In others, the agate replaced the solids and retained images of the coral structures. We are the oldest and most experienced source for these unique fossils. Our teams have been SCUBA diving for these corals since the mid 1970s.


    NOTE: A very nice multi-chambered piece cut and polished face. This specimen is mounted on native Suwanee Limestone – which is the matrix material these specimens weather out of. No other preparator mounts these speciemns on their native stone. An attractive and informative display card accompanies the specimen.


    SIZE: 4″x 4″x 5″



    * Shipping includes packaging, insurance, and ground transport in the continental US. Inquire about shipping outside US.

  • Agatized Coral (AC7)

    These unique fossils are preserved corals that lived in large reef systems in Florida and Georgia about 34 million years ago. After the corals died, they were buried in deep sediments where the original corallite structures began to erode away. In some cases, this resulted in hollow cavities that were then coated in translucent agate, forming carnelian geodes. In others, the agate replaced the solids and retained images of the coral structures. We are the oldest and most experienced source for these unique fossils. Our teams have been SCUBA diving for these corals since the mid 1970s.


    NOTE: A very nice multi-chambered piece cut and polished face. This specimen is mounted on native Suwanee Limestone – which is the matrix material these specimens weather out of. No other preparator mounts these speciemns on their native stone. An attractive and informative display card accompanies the specimen.


    SIZE: 4″x 4″x 5″



    * Shipping includes packaging, insurance, and ground transport in the continental US. Inquire about shipping outside US.

  • Agatized Coral (AC6)

    These unique fossils are preserved corals that lived in large reef systems in Florida and Georgia about 34 million years ago. After the corals died, they were buried in deep sediments where the original corallite structures began to erode away. In some cases, this resulted in hollow cavities that were then coated in translucent agate, forming carnelian geodes. In others, the agate replaced the solids and retained images of the coral structures. We are the oldest and most experienced source for these unique fossils. Our teams have been SCUBA diving for these corals since the mid 1970s.


    NOTE: This is a very nice cut and polished pair, mounted on another agatized coral that has a flat bottom. An attractive and informative display card accompanies the specimen.


    SIZE: 4″x 4″x 6″



    * Shipping includes packaging, insurance, and ground transport in the continental US. Inquire about shipping outside US.

  • Agatized Coral (AC5)

    These unique fossils are preserved corals that lived in large reef systems in Florida and Georgia about 34 million years ago. After the corals died, they were buried in deep sediments where the original corallite structures began to erode away. In some cases, this resulted in hollow cavities that were then coated in translucent agate, forming carnelian geodes. In others, the agate replaced the solids and retained images of the coral structures. We are the oldest and most experienced source for these unique fossils. Our teams have been SCUBA diving for these corals since the mid 1970s.


    NOTE: Corner hollow piece with cut base


    SIZE: 4″x 5″x 4″


    * Shipping includes packaging, insurance, and ground transport in the continental US. Inquire about shipping outside US.

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