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  • Agatized Coral (AC4)

    Notes specific to this specimen: A very nice multi-chambered piece with a cut and polished carnelian agate face. It also has a natural opening on the other end. This specimen is mounted on native Suwanee Limestone – which is the matrix material these specimens weather out of. You won’t see that anywhere else.

    SIZE: 8″ x 5″ x 5″


    NAME: Several species
    AGE: Oligocene Epoch- 34 million years
    UNIT: Suwanee Limestone
    SITE: Lowndes County, Georgia
    DATE: 2021


    Documentation: This authentic fossil specimen comes with a Certificate of Authenticity and Origin. In addition, an attractive and informative display card accompanies the specimen.

  • Agatized Coral (AC3)

    Notes specific to this specimen: This is an exceptional and exquisite carnelian agate pair with rare fortified agatized cavities and preserved microscopic internal structures. This cut and polished pair is mounted on a pleasing piece of Suwanee Limestone – which is the matrix material these specimens originated from. No other preparator mounts these specimens on their native matrix. Honestly, most people don’t even know how they formed, much less know the association with Suwanee Limestone! You can see how translucent the hollows are – the carnelian agate just glows! Zoom in and look at the lighter colored sections below the hollow and you’ll see that it’s actually lace agate. We’ve never seen this before This is a one-of-a-kind beautiful pair!


    SIZE: 9″x 4″x 5″


    NAME: Several species
    AGE: Oligocene Epoch- 34 million years
    UNIT: Suwanee Limestone
    SITE: Lowndes County, Georgia
    DATE: 2021


    Documentation: This authentic fossil specimen comes with a Certificate of Authenticity and Origin. In addition, an attractive and informative display card accompanies the specimen.

  • Agatized Coral (AC2)

    Notes specific to this specimen: This is an exceptional and exquisite carnelian agate pair with rare fortified agatized cavities and preserved microscopic internal structures. This cut and polished pair is mounted on a pleasing piece of Suwanee Limestone – which is the matrix material these specimens originated from. No other preparator mounts these specimens on their native matrix. Honestly, most people don’t even know how they formed, much less know the association with Suwanee Limestone! You can see how translucent the hollows are – the carnelian agate just glows! Zoom in and look at the lighter colored sections below the hollow and you’ll see that it’s actually lace agate. We’ve never seen this before This is a one-of-a-kind beautiful pair!


    SIZE: 9″x 4″x 5″


    NAME: Several species
    AGE: Oligocene Epoch- 34 million years
    UNIT: Suwanee Limestone
    SITE: Lowndes County, Georgia
    DATE: 2021


    Documentation: This authentic fossil specimen comes with a Certificate of Authenticity and Origin. In addition, an attractive and informative display card accompanies the specimen.

  • Agatized Algae (AA2)

    Notes specific to this specimen: A rare, complete nodule. This specimen is a round, deflated sphere with nice bubbly agate skin all over it. One side is concave, the other convex, indicating the orientation of the original colony in the sediments. Can you guess which way it was oriented? Answer – the convex side was up. As the sediments accumulated and the agal ball deteriorated, the top collapsed. The bottom, meanwhile, was supported by the sediments below allowing it to retain its original shape.


    SIZE: 5″x 4″x 2″


    NAME: Various species
    AGE: Jurassic Period- 165 million years
    UNIT: Curtis Formation
    SITE: Emery County, Utah
    DATE: 2010


    Documentation: This authentic fossil specimen comes with a Certificate of Authenticity and Origin.

  • St Clair Flora – rare preservation (F2)

    Notes specific to this specimen: Two sided specimen. An attractive and informative display card accompanies the specimen.

    NAME: Alethopteris & OTHERS
    AGE: Carboniferous Period – 305 million years
    UNIT: Llewellyn Formation
    SITE: Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania
    DATE: 1996


    Size: 9″ x 5″ x 1/2″


    Documentation: This authentic fossil specimen comes with a Certificate of Authenticity and Origin. In addition, an attractive and informative display card accompanies the specimen.

  • Agatized Algae (AA8)

    Notes specific to this specimen: Strange shape with a variety of colors. This is one of the more unusual specimens we’ve seen – it contains relic cracks from the collapse of the original structure and a variety of textures and colors. Which end was up? We cannot tell on this one! Zoom in on the bubbly side – it’s awesome!


    SIZE: 5″x 3″x 2″


    NAME: Undescribed species
    AGE: Jurassic Period- 165 million years
    UNIT: Curtis Formation
    SITE: Emery County, Utah
    DATE: 2010


    Documentation: This authentic fossil specimen comes with a Certificate of Authenticity and Origin.

  • Agatized Algae (AA7)

    Notes specific to this specimen: Small but complete algal ball – a round specimen with great bubblegum agate skin on the upper (convex) side and a nice multicolored carnelian agate underside (convex).


    SIZE: 4″x 3″x 2″


    NAME: Undescribed species
    AGE: Jurassic Period- 165 million years
    UNIT: Curtis Formation
    SITE: Emery County, Utah
    DATE: 2010


    Documentation: This authentic fossil specimen comes with a Certificate of Authenticity and Origin.

  • Agatized Algae (AA6)

    Notes specific to this specimen: A nearly complete round algal “egg” that retains some of its 3-D character. Very rare. This one has various sections to it which feature different textures and colors, including a nice blueish agate region which is unusual in these specimens.


    SIZE: 4″x 2″x 2″


    NAME: Undescribed species
    AGE: Jurassic Period- 165 million years
    UNIT: Curtis Formation
    SITE: Emery County, Utah
    DATE: 2010


    Documentation: This authentic fossil specimen comes with a Certificate of Authenticity and Origin.

  • Agatized Algae (AA5)

    Notes specific to this specimen: This is a piece of a much larger specimen. While it is not complete, the color and texture of this piece is very interesting. It retains some of the original 3-D shape, which is rare in this preservation environment.


    SIZE: 5″x 2″x 2″


    NAME: Undescribed species
    AGE: Jurassic Period- 165 million years
    UNIT: Curtis Formation
    SITE: Emery County, Utah
    DATE: 2010


    Documentation: This authentic fossil specimen comes with a Certificate of Authenticity and Origin.

  • Agatized Algae (AA4)

    Notes specific to this specimen: A complete nodule featuring bullseye and bubblegum agate with a rich variety of textures and colors. The cracks are relics left over from when the original algal ball collapsed in on itself 165 million years ago, making this a very dynamic piece.


    SIZE: 4″x 4″x 2″


    NAME: Various species
    AGE: Jurassic Period- 165 million years
    UNIT: Curtis Formation
    SITE: Emery County, Utah
    DATE: 2010


    Documentation: This authentic fossil specimen comes with a Certificate of Authenticity and Origin.

  • Agatized Algae (AA3)

    Notes specific to this specimen: This is a piece of a much larger specimen. While it is not complete, the color and texture of this piece is incredible. Beautiful, multicolored bubblegum agate all over it!


    SIZE: 4″x 2″x 2″


    NAME: Undescribed species
    AGE: Jurassic Period- 165 million years
    UNIT: Curtis Formation
    SITE: Emery County, Utah
    DATE: 2010


    Documentation: This authentic fossil specimen comes with a Certificate of Authenticity and Origin.

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